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<script language="JavaScript1.2"> function setcountup(theyear,themonth,theday){ yr=theyear;mo=themonth;da=theday } //////////CONFIGURE THE countup SCRIPT HERE////////////////// //STEP 1: Configure the date to count up from, in the format year, month, day: //This date should be less than today setcountup(2006,12,05) //STEP 2: Configure text to be attached to count up var displaymessage="(her saniye büyüyoruz)" //STEP 3: Configure the below 5 variables to set the width, height, background color, and text style of the countup area var countupwidth='95%' var countupheight='20px' //applicable only in NS4 var countupbgcolor='alt1' var opentags='<span class="smallfont">' var closetags='</span>' //////////DO NOT EDIT PASS THIS LINE////////////////// var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") var crosscount='' function start_countup(){ if (document.layers) document.countupnsmain.visibility="show" else if (document.all||document.getElementById) crosscount=document.getElementById&&!document.all?document.getElementById("countupie") : countupie countup() } if (document.all||document.getElementById) document.write('<span id="countupie" style="width:'+countupwidth+'; background-color:'+countupbgcolor+'"></span>') window.onload=start_countup function countup(){ var today=new Date() var todayy=today.getYear() if (todayy < 1000) todayy+=1900 var todaym=today.getMonth() var todayd=today.getDate() var todayh=today.getHours() var todaymin=today.getMinutes() var todaysec=today.getSeconds() var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec paststring=montharray[mo-1]+" "+da+", "+yr dd=Date.parse(todaystring)-Date.parse(paststring) dday=Math.floor(dd/(60*60*1000*24)*1) dhour=Math.floor((dd%(60*60*1000*24))/(60*60*1000)*1) dmin=Math.floor(((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))/(60*1000)*1) dsec=Math.floor((((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))%(60*1000))/1000*1) if (document.layers){ document.countupnsmain.document.countupnssub.document.write(opentags+dday+ " gün, "+dhour+" saat, "+dmin+" dakika ve "+dsec+" saniyedir sizlerleyiz... "+displaymessage+closetags) document.countupnsmain.document.countupnssub.document.close() } else if (document.all||document.getElementById) crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+dday+ " gün, "+dhour+" saat, "+dmin+" dakika ve "+dsec+" saniye "+displaymessage+closetags setTimeout("countup()",1000) } </script>
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